Rally for Rep. John Murtha
by Bill Perry
30 Sep 06

GOLD STAR FAMILIES travel across the State to say:  "WE GOT YOUR BACK, JACK!"


Diane Santoriello, Gold Star Mom ( of  Lt Neil Santiorello, KIA 13 Aug 04 ), Celeste Zappala, Gold Star Mom of Sherwood Baker, KIA 26 April 04, ubiquitous Delaware Valley Veteran For America dude, who organized the 30 member Del Val presence, way out in Western PA, & Al Zappala


Diane Santoriello, on stage with Gold Star Families Speak Out supporter, U.S. Rep Jack Murtha

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Former U.S. Senator Max Cleland welcomes www.GSFSO.org Mom, Celeste Zappala


PA Governor Ed Rendell, a strong supporter of our Gold Star Families, with MC Max Cleland, General Hugh Shelton, General Wes Clark, & Col Murtha



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